Best Class Ever
Best Class Ever
Shaun McMillan

Welcome to Best Class Ever

Bringing teen artists together to develop professional art skills

About Me

Does your child love animation and games, but hate school? What if they could take a class that teaches them through games and animation? I worked as a professional animator in Hollywood, as a game artist in South Korea, I design educational games for students, and now I am teaching online classes for 12-17 year-olds.

Creative Kids Have Many Obstacles to Overcome

Watch Out for Imagined Monsters

As an artist, in this sea of uncertainty, your creative son or daughter will have to overcome many psychological hurdles including

  • The Social Media Super Squid
    the cosmic horror of Lord Cthulu’s Constant Competitive Pressure to Compare Yourself to Others
  • The Sea Dragon of Self-Doubt
    also known as Imposter Syndrome, the inner critic, or constantly belittling yourself
  • The Leviathan of Laziness
    Your child's indecisiveness causes unnecessary anxiety, all induced by the of the lazy leviathan of self-loathing.

Best Class Ever has a weapon to help your creative kid become one of those fortunate few heroes, shining with self-confidence, who realize that these are merely mythical creatures conjured up only by our imagination.

The 3 C's of Piracy - Captain, Crew, & Challenge
The best way to overcome is to follow the guidance of a Captain, together with a new Crew, and take on a new Challenge in the form of Project-Based Learning.

  • Let’s build a sound ship
    Learn the skills from a professional artist that you will need to sail out beyond the red waters of competition into the big beautiful blue sea of fresh ideas.
  • Join a Crew
    Work together in teams, learn to collaborate, collect feedback, and build connection.
  • Take on a New Challenge
    Work together to achieve a short term goal.

To accomplish all this we are launching Collaborative After School Art Projects.